Thursday, February 18, 2016

Wella Dry Me Dry Shampoo

I'm working my way through the Ulta sample box of hair products. I love dry shampoo, so I was anxious to test out the Wella Dry Me dry shampoo!

My hair is fine to medium, wavy, and color treated. It is on the dry side because it's chemically treated, but does get oily at the roots. I usually wash my hair every other day, so I like to have something to refresh and give body on the days that I don't wash it. I am a perfect candidate for dry shampoo!

I checked the ingredients and didn't see anything that might be a trigger for breakouts. My hair is long and brushes my face occasionally when it's down. Some hair products with oils have made me break out in the past.

There are some good things and bad things about this particular product. The pros about the Wella Dry Me dry shampoo is that sprays out a fine mist and isn't too wet going on. It didn't leave any white residue or flakes or make my hair feel crispy. I felt like it absorbed oil well and did a good job of adding some body to my roots. All great so far!

However, it has one big con - the scent! It has a heavy fragrance that seems ok at first, but lingers all day long. This is a huge pet peeve of mine with hair products. I don't mind something smelling strong when you first apply, but I want it to dissipate and pretty much go away after I finish styling my hair and putting on my makeup.

Sadly, the Wella Dry Me is a no-go. I can't get past the overpowering scent. Since I like the results it gives, I'm going to use it up by layering it with my Big Sexy Hair Volumizing Dry Shampoo.

If you are not sensitive to fragrance, you might really like Wella Dry Me. I'm sad the scent was a deal breaker for me!

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