Monday, March 21, 2016

Product Boxes

What do you guys do with the boxes that your makeup comes in? I eventually recycle them, but they spend a few months in my box drawer first.

I keep boxes in this drawer for a few reasons. The first reason is that I might want to photograph them for the blog. Also, I like to have the ingredient list handy. Sometimes finding ingredients online for a product can be really difficult! Another very important reason to hang onto boxes is in case you need to return something. You never know when something just isn't going to work out!

The boxes live in the drawer for a few months and then they get purged and recycled. It's probably time to do a purge in a few weeks.

The last reason that I hang onto makeup containers is because sometimes they just look really cool. I appreciate well executed packaging and sometimes I just want to look at it longer than it takes to open a box.

I photographed a couple of my favorites. Here's my Paul & Joe lipstick box and lipstick:

It's so amazingly cute!! I don't even like the lipstick that much (it's waxy and not very pigmented), but I love the lipstick tube and box so much that I don't care. Why? Because cats.

The other boxes that I put out are on the top of my makeup cabinet. The Urban Decay Gwen Stefani packaging was one of my favorites. I set those palette boxes on top of a Kat Von D box.

This is right above my vanity, so I see them every day when I put on my makeup.

I figure, people style rooms with books, fruit, bowls and all kinds of things that are pretty to look at. Why not style with makeup packaging as long as it looks cool?

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