Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Clean Brushes

I try to wash my brushes once a week, but sometimes it takes so much motivation to get started. The struggle is real!

I have a lot of brushes, so it really can be kind of time consuming. I usually use baby shampoo or Suave shampoo in Ocean Breeze (it's cheap and smells great!) to wash my foundation/powder brushes, spoolies and sponges, and I use Cinema Secrets for my eye brushes. Cinema Secrets is amazing! (Full review to come, I promise!)

Recently, I decided to try Dawn dishwashing liquid for my stubborn foundation, powder and blush brushes. It worked like a charm! I think this might by my new go-to! It rinsed easily and left my brushes feeling squeaky clean. It also did a great job of getting every last bit of gunky foundation out of the brush tips. Score!

Speaking of new things to try, I am curious to check out Parian Spirit brush cleaner and see how it compares to Cinema Secret.

For now, though, I am just happy to have shiny. clean brushes!

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